The forthcoming animated film *Transformers One* has sparked optimism from franchise producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura regarding the potential for a sequel. This movie is set to delve into the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron. Though typically portrayed as adversaries, in this animated feature, they share a deep bond, even considering each other as brothers. The film boasts a star-studded voice cast, featuring Chris Hemsworth as Optimus Prime, Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron, alongside Scarlett Johansson, Keegan-Michael Key, and Jon Hamm.
In an interview with *Screen Rant*, Bonaventura shared insights about the likelihood of a sequel to *Transformers One*, just a week ahead of its release in theaters. He stated that the creative team is inclined toward a sequel if the initial film performs well. He hinted that they already have intriguing ideas for a follow-up, emphasizing that it would be as character-focused as the first installment. His complete remarks are as follows:
“Number one, if we’re successful with this movie, we’re going to do a sequel for this. And we already have, I think, the beginnings of a really interesting story for the second one, which is also character-based, the way the first [is].”
Early Reviews For *Transformers One* Indicate a Strong Box Office Performance
The *Transformers* franchise has consistently been a lucrative venture for Hasbro, resulting in seven films, including *Transformers One*. The series has grossed over $5 billion globally, cementing its status as one of the top movie franchises. Despite this, because *Transformers One* adopts an animated format as opposed to live-action, it will need to perform well at the box office to warrant a sequel. The budget for this film has not yet been disclosed.
Encouragingly, the first reviews for *Transformers One* have been generally positive, suggesting that this latest installment may be one of the franchise’s finest representations. At present, the film holds an 89% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes from 44 critics, positioning it as one of the best-received entries in the series. Critics agree that the film successfully blends drama with humor, though some noted it might be challenging for casual viewers to follow.
Between these favorable reviews and Bonaventura’s assurance of a compelling narrative and well-developed characters, it seems poised to not only achieve critical acclaim but also box office success.
Historically, the *Transformers* franchise has performed robustly at the international box office, often irrespective of its critical reception. For instance, *Transformers: Rise of the Beasts* garnered a 52% score on Rotten Tomatoes but still amassed $438 million worldwide. This pattern of critical skepticism paired with commercial triumph is common in *Transformers* films. Although *Transformers One* departs from the live-action format, the initial positive reviews and Bonaventura’s promises signal potential for both critical and commercial victories.