In a fan-created animated video, Godzilla mercilessly vanquishes four of his iconic adversaries. This legendary monster, first introduced in Toho’s 1954 film, has become one of the most significant and recognizable cinematic creatures in history. Beyond his pivotal role in Legendary’s Monsterverse series, Godzilla also made an appearance in 2023’s Godzilla Minus One. Over the years, his design has undergone numerous transformations across various films, as has the lineup of his formidable foes.
A newly released video by Vrahno on YouTube showcases Godzilla battling in an urban landscape, besieged by four of his classic adversaries from the franchise. The monstrous showdown begins with the three-headed King Ghidorah and Megalon, whom Godzilla defeats with gruesome force and his devastating atomic breath. Following this, Gigan launches an aerial assault, only to be overpowered. The final confrontation is with Mechagodzilla, after which Godzilla triumphantly marches away. You can watch the video below:
What The Godzilla Video Reveals About The Franchise
Godzilla Has Many Enemies Who Might Return
The recent entries in the Godzilla films—both within the Monsterverse and beyond—have seen the legendary titan clash with some unforgettable enemies. However, this video highlights that several adversaries have not graced the big screen for quite some time. Godzilla last battled King Ghidorah in 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters and faced Mechagodzilla in 2021’s Godzilla vs. Kong. Yet, it’s been a considerable period since he faced off against Megalon or Gigan in a major film.
The 16 Best Godzilla Enemies
Megalon first appeared on the silver screen in 1973’s Godzilla vs. Megalon and was last seen in a 2023 animated short film of the same name. Gigan debuted in 1972’s Godzilla vs. Gigan and also appeared in Godzilla vs. Megalon before making a return in 2004’s Godzilla: Final Wars. Neither Megalon nor Gigan has yet to feature in the Monsterverse, suggesting they might receive a Hollywood adaptation in a future sequel.
Other Godzilla adversaries still absent from the Monsterverse include Manda, Hedorah, Biollante, King Caesar, Kumonga, Anguirus, and Orga.
Our Perspective on the Godzilla Fan Video
The Potential for Megalon & Gigan’s Return
While the Skar King in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire served as a formidable villain, the fan video is a reminder of the untapped lore within the Monsterverse. With Godzilla and Kong having forged an uneasy alliance, now might be an opportune moment to reintroduce more adversaries from the franchise’s history, possibly multiple at once.
Megalon and Gigan, with their unique designs and abilities, would be compelling adversaries against Godzilla and Kong. They could potentially appear in the upcoming Godzilla vs Kong sequel. Moreover, given the success of Godzilla Minus One, a sequel to that film seems likely, and it would be fascinating to see director Takashi Yamazaki’s interpretation of these creatures. While it’s uncertain who Godzilla will battle next, there are undoubtedly exciting possibilities to explore.
Source: Vrahno
The Godzilla franchise, spanning over six decades, follows the adventures of the titular kaiju, a colossal, prehistoric sea monster awakened and empowered by nuclear radiation. Originating in Japan, Godzilla has evolved from a destructive force of nature to a protector of humanity, battling various other giant monsters, including iconic foes like King Ghidorah, Mothra, and Mechagodzilla. The series explores themes of environmental destruction, nuclear anxiety, and human resilience. With numerous films, TV series, and an expanding universe, Godzilla remains a cultural icon, captivating audiences worldwide with its epic battles and compelling narratives.