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Transformers One: A Record-Breaking Triumph on Rotten Tomatoes

"Transformers One" sets a new franchise record on Rotten Tomatoes with a 98% audience score. The animated film, exploring the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron, is acclaimed for its narrative and animation. Despite expected box office challenges, it could thrive through strong word-of-mouth and streaming success, marking a pivotal shift in the franchise's reception.

Joel McHale Debunks Jurassic World Rebirth Casting Rumors

Joel McHale addresses and dispels rumors of his involvement in *Jurassic World Rebirth*, confirming he is not part of the film's star-studded cast. Despite speculation, the actor humorously clarifies his non-involvement, allowing the movie to focus on its confirmed ensemble, including Scarlett Johansson and Mahershala Ali.