"Padawan's Pride," an Audible Star Wars story, explores Anakin Skywalker's early Jedi training and relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi, set between *The Phantom Menace* and *Attack of the Clones*. The story involves a covert mission in an underground podracing circuit, offering insight into Anakin's growth and personal challenges.
"Padawan's Pride," an Audible Star Wars story, explores Anakin Skywalker's early Jedi training and relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi, set between *The Phantom Menace* and *Attack of the Clones*. The story involves a covert mission in an underground podracing circuit, offering insight into Anakin's growth and personal challenges.
*Moana 2* introduces Moana's younger sister, Simea, enriching the sequel's narrative with themes of family and leadership, as Moana navigates her role as a guardian and role model.
"Paddington in Peru" embarks on a new adventure as Paddington and the Brown family travel to Peru to find Aunt Lucy, introducing new characters like Olivia Colman's music-loving nun and Antonio Banderas' charming boat captain, while Emily Mortimer takes over as Mary Brown, promising another delightful family-friendly sequel.