Stree 2: A Box Office Phenomenon
The horror-comedy sequel Stree 2, a continuation of the 2018 film Stree, has shattered significant records at the Indian box office. This installment introduces a new threat to the town of Chanderi in the form of a headless ghost named Sarkata, who targets women. The film has not only made a remarkable debut on the domestic Top 10 chart during a fiercely competitive weekend but also emerged as the highest-grossing Hindi-language movie in India for the year, surpassing the $70 million mark in global earnings.
According to Forbes, Stree 2 has amassed an impressive $96 million worldwide. This figure includes $69.9 million from India alone, making it the highest-grossing Hindi-language movie ever in the country. It surpasses the previous record held by the Hindi release of Shah Rukh Khan’s 2023 hit Jawan, which grossed $69.7 million and remains the fifth highest-grossing Indian film globally. Consequently, Stree 2 ranks as the fifth highest-grossing Indian release in its home market.
Implications of the Box Office Triumph
Competing with Tollywood Giants
Stree 2 is standing out as a formidable Hindi title in the Indian film industry. Despite Bollywood’s global recognition, three of the top-grossing films in India are Tollywood productions, which are primarily in Telugu. Among these is Kalki 2898 AD, currently India’s most expensive film. Here’s how Stree 2 compares to the other four films ahead of it on India’s all-time box office chart:
Stree 2
- Horror
- Comedy
The town of Chanderi is being haunted again. This time, the women are mysteriously abducted by a terrible headless entity. Once again, it's up to Vicky and her friends to save the town and their loved ones.
The longevity of Stree 2‘s record remains uncertain. While 2016’s Dangal held the title of the highest-grossing Hindi-language film in India for nearly a decade, several movies surpassed its record in 2023. Besides Jawan, now ranked sixth in India, this includes Animal (seventh), Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan (eighth), and Gadar 2 (ninth). Given the recent wave of record-breaking films, it’s conceivable that a new Hindi-language movie from 2024 or 2025 could soon dethrone Stree 2.
Analyzing the Success of Stree 2
Potential to Launch a Major Franchise
Stree 2, while a sequel, is also the fifth entry in the Maddock Supernatural Universe, which features films like 2021’s Roohi, 2022’s Bhediya, and 2024’s Munjya. Despite being part of the same cinematic universe, Stree 2 has outperformed its predecessors significantly, with the original Stree earning less than a quarter of the sequel’s total worldwide gross. This new box office record suggests that the franchise may experience revitalization and expansion, potentially becoming one of the country’s leading franchises if future installments achieve similar success.
Source: Forbes