The upcoming biopic, *The Apprentice*, has unveiled a new trailer, offering a glimpse into the contentious film centered on Donald Trump. Directed by Ali Abbasi, the movie stars Sebastian Stan as Trump, chronicling his ascent in the real estate sector during the 1970s and ’80s, aided by lawyer Roy Cohn, portrayed by Jeremy Strong. Despite initial challenges in securing distribution—partly due to Trump’s own efforts to hinder its release—the North American rights were recently picked up by Briarcliff Entertainment, which has now released the official trailer.
The trailer for *The Apprentice* showcases a distinctive 1970s and ’80s cinematic style. It prominently features Stan’s portrayal of Trump, highlighting a relentless, win-at-any-cost mentality shaped significantly by Cohn’s influence. Maria Bakalova also appears as Ivana Trump, indicating that the film will delve into more than just Trump’s business ventures. Watch the trailer below:
Insights from The Apprentice Trailer
Sebastian Stan’s Transformation
Ali Abbasi’s film has remained largely enigmatic, with recent discussions focusing more on its distribution challenges due to its provocative subject matter than its actual content. The trailer sheds light on the movie’s direction, revealing a grainy film texture and unconventional aspect ratio.
The Apprentice's Release Problems Only Make Sebastian Stan's Trump Movie More Intriguing
Narratively, the trailer implies that *The Apprentice* seeks to unravel how Trump evolved into the infamous figure he is today, with Cohn instilling in him the belief that showing weakness or conceding defeat is unacceptable. Strong’s character advises, “No matter what happens, you claim victory and never admit defeat,” reflecting Trump’s subsequent approach to business and politics. Strong is widely recognized for his role as Kendall Roy in HBO’s *Succession*.
The trailer also highlights Stan’s physical transformation, suggesting how Trump’s distinctive mannerisms and appearance, including his signature hairstyle, orange tan, and unique speech patterns, developed over time. It further alludes to positive reviews the film has garnered, culminating with Stan, as Trump, quipping about a potential presidential run, indicating the film will explore the origins of Trump’s political ambitions.
Our Perspective on The Apprentice’s New Trailer
Potential Challenges for Ali Abbasi’s Film
Given Trump’s polarizing nature, *The Apprentice* is poised to be a contentious film. While it primarily appears to explore Trump’s business and personal life rather than his political career, it seems unlikely to offer a particularly sympathetic portrayal.
Although early reviews suggest *The Apprentice* is a well-crafted film with notable performances, it may face commercial hurdles. Trump’s ardent supporters might dismiss the film, given his attempts to block its release, while those opposed to him may lack interest in a movie about his life, considering his pervasive presence in the media.
Source: Briarcliff Entertainment
The Apprentice
- Drama
- Biography
The Apprentice delves into the cutthroat world of corporate espionage through the eyes of a young intern who finds herself entangled in a dangerous game of deceit and betrayal in a multinational corporation, where every ally could be an enemy.