Rebecca Ferguson has joined the cast of the film adaptation of “The Magic Faraway Tree,” a beloved children’s novel penned by Enid Blyton. This story, the second in a series of four, unfolds in a mystical forest where a colossal magical tree stretches up to the clouds and is so wide that homes are carved into its trunk. The film’s plot revolves around Polly (played by Claire Foy) and Tim Thompson (portrayed by Andrew Garfield), who move to the secluded English countryside with their three children, who soon discover the enchanting tree.
According to Deadline, Ferguson will star alongside Foy and Garfield in the film, which Ben Gregor is set to direct. Although details remain limited, Ferguson takes on the role of Dame Snap, a headmistress and a character considered as one of Blyton’s most notorious villains. Originally called Dame Slap in earlier editions, Dame Snap operates a school for unruly pixies and is depicted as both aggressive and delightfully entertaining.
The Role of Dame Snap Enriches Ferguson’s Diverse Career
Ferguson Explores a Unique Villainous Role
Ferguson continues to be a highly sought-after talent in the film industry, with several intriguing projects lined up for theaters and streaming platforms. Among her most eagerly awaited works is the upcoming “Peaky Blinders” movie featuring Cillian Murphy. She also stars in “Mercy” with Chris Pratt and is involved in an untitled Kathryn Bigelow project for Netflix. Additionally, she will reprise her character Juliette Nichols in the second season of Apple TV+’s “Silo.”
Rebecca Ferguson's 10 Best Movies & TV Shows, Ranked
Ferguson’s career trajectory gained momentum in 2015 with her portrayal of Ilsa Faust, a determined and resourceful femme fatale, in “Mission Impossible — Rogue Nation.” She reprised this role in two subsequent “Mission: Impossible” films, solidifying her reputation for action roles. However, her versatility extends beyond a single genre, as she has ventured into science fiction (“Dune”), horror (“Doctor Sleep”), and musicals (“The Greatest Showman”), though her singing voice was not featured in the latter, which also starred Hugh Jackman, Zendaya, and Zac Efron.
In “The Magic Faraway Tree,” Ferguson once again embraces a villainous role, reminiscent of her portrayal of Rose the Hat in “Doctor Sleep.” However, Dame Snap is expected to be a more whimsical and fantastical antagonist, akin to the villains in the early “Harry Potter” films. Given Ferguson’s penchant for more mature roles, it will be intriguing to watch her embody a family-friendly villain who still holds the potential for threatening moments. With each new character, Ferguson impresses, making her participation in “The Magic Faraway Tree” highly anticipated.
Key Background
Rebecca first appeared on screen in the Swedish TV series “Nya tider” (1999).
DID YOU KNOW: The actress attended a bilingual school and grew up fluent in both Swedish and English (via IMDB).
She began her modeling career at the age of 13.