In the 1983 film *Risky Business*, starring Tom Cruise, co-star Joe Pantoliano was prompted to undergo a nose job after seeing himself alongside Cruise in a scene. The ’80s teen comedy follows Joel Goodsen (Cruise), who hires a sex worker named Lana (Rebecca De Mornay) while left home alone. Chaos ensues when his mother’s prized Steuben glass egg ends up with Lana’s boss, Guido (Pantoliano), leading Joel on a mission to retrieve it and cover the damages from a car crash involving his father’s vehicle.
In an interview with *Empire Magazine*, Pantoliano shared how a specific image of him next to Cruise in *Risky Business* influenced his decision for surgery. The stark contrast between his nose and Cruise’s made him worry about being perpetually cast as a villain based on his appearance. He humorously noted that after the procedure, he continued to play “bad guys with smaller noses.” Here’s what Pantoliano had to say about his decision:
“You see those two noses? When I saw this movie, I was like, I gotta get a nose job, because I’m just going to play bad guys, and I want to be a leading man. Tom Cruise has got a very distinguished nose, but my nose dwarfed his, so I literally had a nose job. And now I just play bad guys with smaller noses! (Laughs) But I just remember Paul Brickman [director] wanted all of the characters, including Guido, to be likeable. Tom was, what, gosh, was he like 21? Or 22? I was the old man on the job!”
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The Impact of Pantoliano’s Nose Job on His Career Post-*Risky Business*
He Continued to Play Villains and Diverse Roles
After *Risky Business*, Pantoliano ventured into various supporting roles, often portraying villains, such as Francis Fratelli in *The Goonies*. However, he also embraced a range of characters in films like *Empire of the Sun*, *Memento*, and *The Fugitive*. In 2001, he became part of *The Sopranos* cast in season 3, taking on the role of Ralph Cifaretto, a capo who turns into one of Tony’s major adversaries. This diversity in roles illustrates that, while he did continue to play villains, it wasn’t his sole trajectory following his nose job.
Among his most notable roles are Cypher in *The Matrix* and Captain Conrad Howard in the *Bad Boys* films. His recent work includes a cameo as himself in the *Chucky* TV series and a significant part in the 2021 horror thriller *Hide and Seek*. Despite his initial concerns about typecasting, Pantoliano has clearly expanded his repertoire beyond villainous roles. The extent to which his nose job influenced his career path remains uncertain.
Reflections on Pantoliano’s Nose Job Story
His Choice, His Confidence
Though the exact impact of Pantoliano’s nose job on his career post-*Risky Business* is unclear, it appears that his continued villain roles are more attributed to his talent for portraying antagonists. His performances in films like *Bad Boys* highlight his versatility in acting. Whether or not the nose job significantly affected his career, it undeniably boosted his self-assurance.
Pantoliano’s latest credit includes a brief appearance in 2024’s *Bad Boys: Ride or Die*, reprising his role as Captain Howard.
Source: *Empire Magazine*
Risky Business
- Comedy
- Drama
- Crime
- Romance
Risky Business is a 1983 comedy-drama film starring Tom Cruise as Joel Goodsen, a high school student who experiences a wild adventure while his parents are away. When Joel's desire for freedom leads him to make some questionable decisions, he finds himself entangled in complications that challenge his morals and future. Directed by Paul Brickman, the film explores themes of adolescence, responsibility, and the pursuit of success.