“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” featuring Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson, has resurfaced in Netflix’s top ten, 21 years after its initial theatrical debut in 2003. Directed by Donald Petrie, the film narrates the story of advice columnist Andie Anderson (portrayed by Hudson), who embarks on a project to make a man leave her within ten days. Her target, executive Ben Berry (played by McConaughey), has wagered with a colleague that he can make any woman fall in love with him in the same timeframe. Despite their conflicting intentions, they inevitably develop a connection.
Upon its release, “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” achieved global earnings of $177 million against a $50 million budget, marking it as a box office success. Currently, its renewed popularity can be attributed to its presence on Netflix, where it secured the ninth position in the most-watched movies list for the week spanning August 26 to September 1. The movie amassed 5.2 million hours of viewing time and 2.7 million total views, narrowly surpassing “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” which ranked tenth. The leading film for that week was the Netflix original “Incoming.”
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The Significance of “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” in Netflix’s Top 10
#### Gen Z’s Fascination with Romantic Fantasies
While many millennials are revisiting “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” on Netflix, this early 2000s romantic comedy has captivated a fresh audience in Gen Z. Over the past year, Gen Z viewers have turned to TikTok to share their thoughts on rom-coms that were iconic to millennial culture, thereby significantly boosting their popularity long after their initial release.
For Gen Z, watching a film where the protagonist has a well-paying job, a beautifully furnished city apartment, a close-knit group of friends, and an attractive love interest is akin to escaping into a different world. In early 2000s rom-coms, the main character seemingly has it all. Such films, including “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” offer both a comforting rewatch and a unique fantasy to indulge in.
Our Perspective on “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” Reappearing on Netflix’s Global Chart Two Decades Later
#### A Quintessential Example of Its Genre
“How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” embodies all the essential elements of an enduring and successful rom-com. Its humor is lighthearted and intensifies as the narrative progresses. A particularly memorable scene features McConaughey struggling to maintain composure while Hudson presents him with a “love fern,” a classic rom-com moment that continues to amuse audiences years later.
It comes as no surprise to find McConaughey’s film in Netflix’s top ten. The movie is both funny and endearing, having performed well during its initial release and becoming a beloved favorite for viewers to revisit time and again. Should a sequel ever be produced, it is likely to captivate audiences for another 21 years.
Source: Netflix
How to Lose A Guy In 10 Days
- Comedy
- Romance
How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days, directed by Donald Petrie, is a romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey. The film follows a magazine writer and an advertising executive, each with conflicting personal agendas, as they navigate the complexities of a burgeoning relationship. Through humorous situations and romantic entanglements, the narrative explores themes of love, deception, and the challenges of modern dating.