As anniversary showings brought *Coraline* back to cinemas, the dark fantasy stop-motion animated film set a new benchmark with its worldwide box office earnings. Directed by *The Nightmare Before Christmas* filmmaker Henry Selick, the movie is based on Neil Gaiman’s 2002 novella, which narrates the tale of a young girl who stumbles upon a portal to an enchanting parallel universe. Initially captivated by the idyllic world, Coraline (voiced by Dakota Fanning) soon discovers that a sinister force has drawn her into this realm, placing her in imminent peril.
According to Collider, *Coraline* reached a significant milestone in its international box office revenue. Already ranked among the top ten most successful stop-motion films at the U.S. box office, *Coraline* increased its international earnings to exceed $50 million, positioning it as one of the highest-grossing stop-motion films worldwide. As of its 2024 re-release, *Coraline* boasts a cumulative gross of $228 million, narrowly missing the mark of earning over four times its $60 million budget by about $48 million.
Coraline’s Legacy Transcends Box Office Milestones
Coraline Stands Out in the Animated Film Realm
With moviegoers flocking to theaters for *Coraline’s* anniversary, it’s evident that the film’s influence persists even over a decade post-release. Debuting in 2009, the film resonated with critics and audiences alike, garnering positive reviews and achieving a respectable $124 million in global box office revenue, despite modest predictions from industry analysts. While this success warrants celebration, *Coraline* has also secured a remarkable place in popular culture.
Coraline Review: 15 Years Later, This Stop-Motion Masterpiece Is Still The Perfect Gateway Horror Movie
*Coraline* serves as an ideal introductory horror film for younger audiences, seamlessly blending elements of a family movie with a dark thriller. From its eerie, haunted house-like environment to its suspenseful progression, *Coraline* gradually lulls viewers into a false sense of security before unveiling the true nature of the Other Mother (voiced by Teri Hatcher). The film’s adept handling of mature themes without delving too deeply into darkness provides young viewers with an initial taste of what theatrical scary tales can deliver.
*Coraline’s* box office success demonstrates that few can resist the opportunity to revisit the film.
Given its lasting legacy, it’s no wonder audiences are eager to experience the remastered *Coraline* in theaters fifteen years later. A generation of fans may wish to revisit a cherished childhood classic, while newcomers who have only watched the film at home might seize the chance to appreciate Laika’s still-stunning animation on the big screen. *Coraline’s* box office success demonstrates that few can resist the opportunity to revisit the film.
Source: Collider
- Family
- Animation
- Thriller
- Fantasy
- Drama
Based on Neil Gaiman's novella, Coraline follows Coraline Jones, a lonely young girl who, after moving to a new house with her inattentive parents, discovers a portal to another, more sinister alternate reality behind one of the house's many doors. Written and directed by Henry Selick, the film uses stop-motion animation and stars Dakota Fanning as Coraline.